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Letters: Comments-Suggestions-Views (2000)
    Saopstenje za javnost SCAE...Click here for the text(Nov. 2000)
    Veljko Strugar: Stari Bar - Ogledalo Crne Gore...Click here for the text(Nov. 2000)
    Veljko Strugar: I poslije Maksizma - Marksizam...Click here for the text(Nov. 2000)
    Kilibarda Nenad: Ko to kaze ,ko to laze!...Click here for the text(Nov. 2000)
    Alex Kecojevic: CG-ILI-?...Click here for the text(Nov. 2000)
    Bora Vukcevic: Dva deftera Crne Gore iz doba Crnojevica...Click here for the text(Nov. 2000)
    Grupa gradjana Sj. Amerike: Zbogom Crna Goro...Click here for the text(Oct. 2000)
    Marko Djurovic: Izdaja Crne Gore...Click here for the text(Oct. 2000)
    Danas (Reagovanja): Da li je u porastu anticrnogorsko raspolozenje u Srbiji...Click here for the text(Oct. 2000)
    Glas Javnosti: Srbijansko-crnogorski odnosi iz perspective istorije...Click here for the text(Oct. 2000)
    Milenko Soljaga: Udruzenje gradjana CG u Svajcarskoj...Click here for the text(Oct. 2000)
    Matica Crnogorska: Otvoreno pismo...Click here for the text(Oct. 2000)
    Dr. Nenad Popovic: Savez crnogorskih asocijacija Evrope...Click here for the text(Sep. 2000)
    Veljko Strugar: Licni osvrt Na Drugi Kongres Crnogorske Dijaspore...Click here for the text(Sep. 2000)
    Milenko Soljaga: Osnivacka skupstina Udruzenja gradjana Crne Gore u Svajcarskoj...Click here for the text(Sep. 2000)
    Bozidar Rajak: FILARET - Vladika Milosevicki a ne Vladika Milesevski...Click here for the text(Sep. 2000)
    Marko Djurovic: Isti arsini...Click here for the text(Sep. 2000)
    Otpor - Toronto: Protest Podrske Demokratskim Promenama u Srbiji...Click here for the text(Sep. 2000)
    Zarko Jankovic: Dopis...Click here for the text(Sep. 2000)
    S. Oudman: fascism...Click here for the text(Sep. 2000)
    Vera Nikolovska: Zapanjilo me citanje vecine pisama...Click here for the text(Sep. 2000)
    Crnogorska Pravoslavna Crkva:Saopstenje za javnost...Click here for the text(Aug. 2000)
    Sejdovic: Nemo´ braco da se pobijete, jer nemate rasta......Click here for the text(Jul 2000)
    Aleksandar Samardzic: Predsjedniku Republike C.G....Click here for the text(Jul 2000)
    Nenad Popovic: II-gi Kongres Iseljenika na Cetinju...Click here for the text(Jul 2000)
    Aleksandar Samardzic: Deklaracija Njegusa...Click here for the text(Jul 2000)
    Milan Nikolic: Re: URGENT! Montenegro churches desecrated!...Click here for the text(Jul 2000)
    Mihailo Mandic: Intervjue Nj.K.V. Predstolonaslednika Aleksandra...Click here for the text(Jul 2000)
    Dr. Nenad Popovic: Osnivacka skupstina Saveza crnogorskih asocijacija...Click here for the text(Jul 2000)
      T.V. Weber & Alida Weber: URGENT! Montenegro churches desecrated!...Click here for the text(Jul 2000)
    Velid Jerlagic: MonteNet i Demokratija u C.G....Click here for the text(May 2000)
    ICG: Montenegro in the Shadow of Vulcano ...Click here for the text(May 2000)
    Bozidar Rajak: Otvoreno pismo Vladici Mirasu ...Click here for the text(May 2000)
    Dr Nenad Popovic: Osnivanje saveza crnogorskih asocijacija Evrope ...Click here for the text(May 2000)
    Dr Nenad Popovic: Drugi svjetski kongres crnogorskih iseljenika ...Click here for the text(May 2000)
    Jovan Radonjic: Croatica Montenegrina ...Click here for the text(May 2000)
    Frantisek Sistek: Iz Istorije CG ...Click here for the text(May 2000)
    Jovan Radonjic: Jezici i kultura u dotacijama: Peroj/Istra u proslosti i...Click here for the text (May 2000)
    Vaskrsnja poslanica Mitropolita CPC Mihaila...Click here for the text(Apr. 2000)
    The first on-line interview with Mr Milo Djukanovic, the president...Click here for the text(Apr. 2000)
    "Vijesti": Dokument Medjunarodne krizne grupe...Click here for the text(Apr. 2000)
    Vojislav Rasovic: Donation for the Montenegrin Autocephalic Orthodox Church...Click here for the text(Apr. 2000)
    Virginia Davis: Extending my personal best wishes...Click here for the text(Apr. 2000)
    Jovan Radonjic: Promicija i predstavljanje pod-projekta...Click here for the text(Mar. 2000)
    Goran Krstic: Kako vi hocete!!! ...Click here for the text(Mar. 2000)
    Dr Nenad Popovic: 23. 03. 2000 Prag ...Click here for the text(Mar. 2000)
    Dr Nenad Popovic: Poziv na osnivacki skup Crnogorske......Click here for the text(Mar. 2000)
    Frantisek Sistek: Demonstracija u Pragu - podrska ...Click here for the text(Mar. 2000)
    Marko Djurovic: Re: Ostojino Pismo ...Click here for the text(Mar. 2000)
    Dr Nenad Popovic: Nürnberg - Paris ...Click here for the text(Feb. 2000)
    Srdja Pavlovic: Re: O Jeziku i jos ponecemu... ...Click here for the text(Feb. 2000)
    Ostoja Simetic: Crnogorska nacija ...Click here for the text(Feb. 2000)
    Radojevic Miodrag: Zahvalnost MonteNet-u ...Click here for the text(Feb. 2000)
    Jankovic Zarko: MonteNet pisanje o religij, jeziku itd......Click here for the text(Feb. 2000)
    Frantisek Sistek: Re:Three Cheers for the Montenegrin Language(2) ...Click here for the text(Feb. 2000)
    Patric Moore (RFE): Three Cheers for the Montenegrin Language ...Click here for the text(Feb. 2000)
    Kilibarda-Norveska: "Da zivimo bolje" ...Click here for the text(Feb. 2000)
    Frantisek Sistek: Demonstracija podrske Crnoj Gori u Pragu ...Click here for the text(Feb. 2000)
    Frantisek Sistek: Udruzenje prijatelja Crne Gore, Prag ...Click here for the text(Jan. 2000)
    Jovan Radonjic: "Cujete li te vjetar Vuksane" ...Click here for the text(Jan. 2000)
    Marko Djurovic: Istraga Crnogoraca ...Click here for the text(Jan. 2000)
    Milan Stevanovich: Zasto kazete "Naravno!" gospodine Hjum?...Click here for the text(Jan. 2000)
    Rajak Bozidar: Ponasaje vladika Srpskih u Crnoj Gori...Click here for the text(Jan. 2000)
    Nikola J. Samardzic: Monitor nastavlja da me kleveta...Click here for the text(Dec.'99)
    Starovlah Milivoje: Radovanje zbog napredka CG...Click here for the text(Dec.'99)
    Mihailo Mandic: Crnogorci Australije zele svoje Predstavnistvo...Click here for the text(Nov.'99)
    Dr. Nenad Popovic: Prvi Kongres Crnogorske Dijaspore...Click here for the text(Nov.'99)
    Milorad-Taki Latkovic: Lucindanske svecanosti u Djinovicima...Click here for the text(Nov.'99)
    Dr. Nenad Popovic: Prijedlog Programa Crnogoraca ZE...Click here for the text(Oct.'99)
    Nenad Kilibarda: Mitropolit Amfilohije...Click here for the text(Sep.'99)
    Sreten Perovic: Dukljanska Akademija Nauka...Click here for the text(Sep.'99)
    Mihailo Mandic: Plakat za prvi crnogorski kongres...Click here for the text(Sep.'99)
    Claudio Martinotti: 2° approccio...Click here for the text(Aug.'99)
    Mihailo Petrovich: Who Are Your Montenet Montenegrins?...Click here for the text(Aug.'99)
    Martin Butiric: Montonegrin Independence from Serbian hegemony...Click here for the text(Aug.'99)
    Vojislav Rasovic: Povodom odrzanih skupova u Kucima i Rovcima...Click here for the text(Aug.'99)
    Dr Nenad Popovic: Reagovanje na tekstove A. Pecaric iz Hrv. obzora...Click here for the text(Aug.'99)
    Luka Vukotic: "Teroristi" iz Crne Gore...Click here for the text(Aug.'99)
    Ivan Vule Fridman: Crnogorska asocijacija mladih u dijaspori...Click here for the text(Aug.'99)
    Jan H. Kucerak: Comment...Click here for the text(Aug.'99)
    Marko Djurovic: Fosili!...Click here for the text(10.07.'99)
    Oliver Alexander: Good Luck Montenegro!...Click here for the text(05.07.'99)
    Petar Smiljanic: Crna Goro!...Click here for the text(05.07.'99)
    Nick Bell: Viva Montenegro!...Click here for the text(03.07.'99)
    M.S.Vekic: Vukovarska gimnazija...Click here for the text(03.07.'99)
    Filippo Perata: King Nicholas I...Click here for the text(03.07.'99)
    Mariana Lajmanovich: Sometimes it is better...Click here for the text(15.06.'99)
    Vojislav Rasovic: Re: Matija Beckovic Kucima...Click here for the text(03.06.'99)
    Marko Djurovic: Re: Matija Beckovic Kucima...Click here for the text(02.06.'99)
    Alexandre Mihailovitch: Re: Matija Beckovic Kucima...Click here for the text(01.06.'99)
    Vojislav Rasovic: Re: Matija Beckovic Kucima...Click here for the text(29.05.'99)
    Marko Djurovic: Re: Matija Beckovic Kucima...Click here for the text(28.05.'99)
    Dejan Djokic: Matija Beckovic Kucima...Click here for the text(26.05.'99)
    Dr Nenad Popovic: Otvoreno pismo Predsjedniku Crne Gore...Click here for the text(24.05.'99)
    Sumadinac: O pismima MonteNet-u i Crnogorcima...Click here for the text(24.05.'99)
    Luka Tomas: Okupacija Cetinja!...Click here for the text(18.05.'99)
    O Draskovic: Origin of the name Draskovic...Click here for the text(18.05.'99)
    A Carter: Montenegro...Click here for the text(17.05.'99)
    Radoje Lausevic: Internet Links to Ecological Changes Caused ...Click here for the text(17.05.'99)
    Damir Banovic: Crnogorki koja surfa...Click here for the text(17.05.'99)
    Luka Tomas: Otvoreno pismo komandi Druge armije VJ u Crnoj Gori...Click here for the text(13.05.'99)
    Marko Djurovic: Crnogorski Novinari...Click here for the text(13.05.'99)
    LDKKosovo: LDK Kosovo...Click here for the text(10.05.'99)
    Larry: Letter to Montenegro...Click here for the text (10.05.'99)
    ZoranaGluscevic: Interview with Noam Chomsky...Click here for the text (08.05.'99)
    Dusan Puvacic: Harold Pinter: "We are bandits guilty of murder"...Click here for the text (07.05.'99)
    Lila Kalinich: Important and Short: bombing started exodus...Click here for the text (07.05.'99)
    Svetlana Bojkovic: Blood Stained Shakespearian Tragedy...Click here for the text (07.05.'99)
    Shoot Milo: Revenge 1999!...Click here for the text (07.05.'99)
    Jovo Kapa: Sto pogani od ljudi cinite...Click here for the text (06.05.'99)
    Defense & Foreign Affairs Article...Click here for the text (06.05.'99)
    Branislav Andjelic: Hanibal ante portas Click here for the text(04.05.'99)
    Raju G. C. Thomas: NATO and International Law.... Click here for the text (04.05.'99)
    Daniel Tomasevic: Interview with Slobodan Milosevic (UPI) Click here for the text(01.05.'99)
The views expressed on these pages are those of the authors, and do not represent the policy or position of the MonteNet
 (Pogledi izrazeni na ovim stranicama su autorski i ne predstavljaju politiku ili poziciju MonteNet-a) 
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Montenet 1997
 All rights reserved. Last updated:  November 1999