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Vojislav Rasovic

Donation for the Montenegrin Autocephalic Orthodox Church

In recent days,  Mr.Vojislav Rasovic during his stay in Florida, USA, has received a generous donation for the Montenegrin Autocephalic Orthodox Church from a group of American friends of Montenegro. Following this generous act,  the President of the Montenegrin Association of America, Mr.Blazo Sredanovic, expressed his gratitude in a letter below:

                Dear fellow Americans !
                Dear friends of Montenegro !
We greatly appreciated your gesture and donation which you gave to the Montenegrin Orthodox Church.
In this difficult time when our small fatherland Montenegro is struggling to preserve its freedom and its Church it is so nice to know that we do have friends in the world and that we are not alone.
Thank you so much and God bless all of you !

Blazo Sredanovic President
805 magnolia St. Menlo Park CA.94025,USA

donators: B.Frank Braewing,Dr.Marko Mihic,Maria Kott,George Minoff,Steve Gissens,Clara Giudice,Bob Cave,Nancy
Burke,Angelo-Victoria Romaneli,Gloria salvato,Bob-Carolyn Fenik,John C.Meagher,Joseph-Mary Kocher,Clayton-Connie Baker,Charly
Quemy,Rosaly -Joseph Burns,Judith Sonet,Joanne Latier,Catharine Brewley,Stephen-Jane Tylosky,Dieter-Evelyn Wunnenberg,Mike
-Path DeLuca,John J.Mc Mackid,Alexandar Vasilovsky,Wayne-Faye Amburgey,Theodora Shaw,Franck-anna Klesties,Franck
Romero,Robert-Joanne Picciott,Ed-Betty Hiebel,Kay Lamorwaux,Nicolina Romaneli,Evelin Cohn,Joseph Genise,Tom-Paula Tefft,Mary
C.Paterson,Frances Jutras,Cindy-Joe Brande,Wanda L.Duckworth,Paul Muench,Marian Juaell,Frank Cook,Tom Picciott,Anne-Robert
Sanino,Lee Gilliland, Joan Morris

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