The origins of Montenegrin predecessors
Before the arrival of the Slav peoples in the Balkans during the
VI century AD, the area now known as Montenegro was inhabited principally
by people known as Illyrians. After several punitive expeditions against
local pirates, this kingdom was finally conquered by the Romans in AD 9
and annexed to the province of Illyricum.
The division of the Roman Empire between Roman and Byzantine rules-and
subsequently between the Latin and Greek churches-was marked by a line
that ran northward from (Shkoder) Skadar through modern Montenegro, symbolizing
the status of this region as a perpetual marginal zone between the economic,
cultural, and political worlds of the Mediterranean peoples and the Slavs.
During the decline of Roman power, this part of the Adriatic coast suffered
from intermittent ravages by various semi nomadic invaders, especially
the Goths in the late V century and the Avars during the VI century. These
were soon supplanted by the Slavs, who became widely established in this
part of the Balkan by the middle of the VII century. Because of the extreme
raggedness of the terrain and the lack of any major sources of wealth such
as mineral riches, the area that is now Montenegro became a haven for residual
groups of earlier settlers, including some tribes who had escaped Romanization.
The Slavic colonization of the Balkan peninsula, thus, occurred
during VI century and probably finished by the middle of VII century. It
is believed that predecessors of Montenegrins came from the region (Polablje)
between the Baltic Sea and the present-day city of Hanover, Germany (D.Zivkovic,
Istorija Crnogorskog Naroda, 1989; R.Rotkovic, Odakle su dosli Crnogorci,
1992; V. Nikcevic, Crnogorski Jezik, 1993). However, Montenegrin predecessors,
(known as the Velet and Odobritei tribes) did not come from Germany, since
the Germans occupied these territories after Montenegrin predecessors had
moved to Adriatic (R.Rotkovic, ibid). Dr Rotkovic collected around 800
toponyms in Montenegro, relating to settlements, rivers, lakes and mountains
in Polablje.
to Byzantine tzar Porfirogenit in a paragraph "O Dukljanima i zemlji u
kojoj sada obitavaju" he writes that Doclea (Duklja) belonged first to
Romans and than to Romeji (Byzantium)
Thus, coming from the north, Slav tribes settled in the Roman province
of Prevalis, where they found the urban Roman and native Illyrian tribes.
The Slav people were organized along tribal lines, each headed by a chieftain
(zupan). The new arrived Slavs, despite animosity and hostility of native
inhabitants, learned to live together, forging Slavo-Romanic modus vivendi
and accepting Christianity from the local people. Later, within Byzantine
Kingdom, they united their tribes under the name of Scklavinia Doclea (Sklavinija
Duklja, or Dukljani) (V.Nikcevic, O postanku etnonima Dukljani, Zecani,
Crnogorci, 1987). |