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Alexandre Mihailovitch
Re: Crnogorci su Srbi
Dear Webmaster,

I want to thank you much for having published my letter. 
When I criticize your site, it is not because I think it's a bad one. It is 
a very complete site, with a lot of information. Commments on Montenegrin 
culture, history are very interesting. But it is a fact that, as in many 
other montenegrin sites, there is just a very few word about the facts 
Montenegrins belong to the serbian nation. It is right to say that after 
years of communist propaganda, it is very difficult to say the truth. 
Montenegrins who were told for years that they belonged to a singular nation 
would be shocked if they read that Njegos was a serbian patriot. However, 
one day, people will have to learn the truth. It is a question of survival 
both for the entire serb nation and for the Montenegrins.
I am not a chauvinist or a grand serb (as I would be describes by the 
Liberalni Savez Crne Gore). I am a guy who is attached to nation and 
When I hear that young children throw rocks on serbian orthodox priests in 
Cetinje, and on hour vladika Amfilohije, it seems nightmarrish !
Have these poor children already heard the good version of Onamo Onamo?!:
                       Onamo, 'namo, za brda ona,
                       Govore da je razoren dvor
                       Mojega cara : onamo, vele
                       Bio je negada junacki dvor

                       Onamo, 'namo!da vidju Prizren!
                       Ta to je moje - doma cu doc
                       Starina mila tamo me zove
                       Tu moram jednom oruzan noc

                       Onamo, 'namo - sa razvalina
                       Dvorova carskih vragu cu rec:
                       S ognjista milog bjezi mi, kugo,
                       Zajam ti moram vracati vec

                       Onamo, 'namo za brda ona,
                       Kazuju da je zeleni gaj
                       Pod nim se dizu Decani sveti,
                       Molitva u njih prisvaja raj

                       Onamo, 'namo! za brda ona,
                       Gdje nebo plavi savija svog,
                       Na srpska polja, na polja bojna,
                       Onamo, braco, spremajmo hod!

                       Onamo, 'namo, za brda ona,
                       Pogazen konj'ma klikuje Jug
                       U pomoc, djeco! u pomoc, sinci!
                       Svetit me starca svet vi je dug

                       Onamo, 'namo!-sablji za stara
                       Njegova rebra da tupim rez
                       Po turskim rebrim; da bjednoj radi
                       Njom istom s ruku ras'jecam bez.

                       Onamo'namo, za brda ona,
                       Milosev, kazu; prebiva grob!
                       Onamo!... Pokoj dobicu dusi
                       Kad Srbin vise ne bude rob.

                       Knez Nikola Petrovic Njegos (1876).

      In our unhappy times, I am sure Montenegrin Serbs remember who they 
are and what they want for the future.

Alexandre Mihailovitch

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