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Aleksandar Mihailovic
Crnogorci su Srbi

I am Aleksandar Mihajlovic. I live in France.I am of Serb origin. And 
I have studied the so-called "montenegrin history" with accurate 
interest for years. I can testify that Montenegrins have always been 
Serbs. In the IX-X-XIth centuries, byzantine writers spoke about the 
people of Dioclea, Zeta as Diocleans, Dalmats, or Serbs (See 
Constantine Porphyrogenetus, the Pope of Dioclea...). In the middle 
ages, the Zeta was at the center of the Nemanjic state. Stefan Nemanja 
was born in Ribnica, near Podgorica. Milos Obilic was a Montenegrin. 
Serbian Patriarch from the XVIIth century, the famous Arsenije 
Crnojevic, was born in Cetinje. Karadjordje's grandparents came from 
the Vasojevices. The royal Obrenovic family was a Kuc family. And 
Vladika Petar Petrovic Njegos II, the famous poet, said in his book 
"Pustinjak Cetinski", written in 1834:
             " Srbin srpskom rodu svome
              Ovo djelce posvecuje
              Njegovo je sitno sv'jece
              Po livadi prajov Srpstva
              I uzraslo i pobrato
              I u v'jenac rodu dato. "
            People who intended to eraise history and to destroy the 
serb cultural identity (Tito and his fellow Djilas) invented the 
montenegrin nationality.Today, ignorant and manipulated people want to 
deny the Montenegrins their own history. The traditional 
montenegrin kapa contains a drawing with the four c : samo sloga 
srbina spasava. Do the independant, "green" montenegrins want to hide 
that ? Do they know that on passports of the Kingdom of Montenegro, it 
was written : Nationality : Serb. Citizenship : Montenegrin. 
            Today we unfortunately experience criminal attempts by 
independantists and their allies to deny what they are. For all of 
those who are attached to "srpstvo", it is dramatic. I regret your 
site, by completely ignoring the Serb national name, is involved into 
this demolition of montenegrin true identity.

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