Anthony Rizzo
RE: Kosovo
Dear Editor
Touché’! I’ll be sure not to trust completely the output
when I next “throw”
my letters
“through” my spell-checker. Now that we’ve attacked each
others grammar and
spelling, let us get back to the real issues.
At the risk of repeating myself, how in God’s name can anyone support
regime that is depopulating a territory the size of a small country?
If the
concertgoers of Montenegro are unaware of the true facts, then
I owe them an
apology. But if they do believe that Milosevic is capable
of such barbarism
(and he is), and if they believe he is “ethnically cleansing” Kosovo
Albanians (and he is), and they continue to wave his portraits
in support of
him, then they deserve their fate (whatever that may be).
Now let me address your next point. I find it difficult to
believe that
Balkan politics is
more complex than the politics of a nation that manages an 8 trillion
GDP and is composed of 275 million multi-ethnic, multi-cultural
multi-religious people. In fact, in my humble opinion, Balkan
politics is
really quite simple. It is a long, endless story of bigotry,
intolerance and
brutality. It is an endless struggle for power of one homogeneous
over another. This is not a complicated story. Granted,
the US has its own
history of bigotry and intolerance, but it is recognized and admitted
by most
people. Humanity has a dark side to it, and that dark side
of humanity knows
no national borders. The difference between the US and a
country like
Yugoslavia, is that, in the US, a good faith effort has been made
to develop
institutions that combat bigotry and intolerance. It is not
perfect, but it
helps more people than it hurts. In Yugoslavia, your institutions
are being
used to foster bigotry and intolerance on a scale not seen in Europe
Hitler. This is simple politics in its lowest form.
There are no guarantees in life. The assurances you seek I
cannot give, as I
am a simple “net surfer” and not a member of President Clinton’s
However, I don’t subscribe to “conspiracy” theories. I doubt
the side deals
you imply have been
pre-arranged. I do believe the map of the Balkans will be
redrawn, but that
will be
decided by the US and its allies and not Milosevic. Milosevic
may or may not
remain, but all signs point to his rapid demise; that much
appears to have
been pre-ordained by the West.
Finally and unfortunately, Serbia will pay a heavy price for Milosevic.
is generally the fate of a people who allow such dictators to run
amok. Your
country too is in grave danger. I hope your concertgoers
wave Milosevic’s
portrait out of ignorance of the true facts than out of support
for his
actions, otherwise they too will pay an unfortunately heavy price.
please understand one thing, nobody I meet during the course of
my day is
happy about this war, nor have I met anyone who wishes harm on
the people of
the Balkans. The overriding opinion is one of inevitability.
of war and inevitability that NATO will prevail.
Anthony Rizzo
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