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Savic Rasovic

Addition to the bibliography about the existence of Montenegrin Autocephalous Orthodox Church 

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Here is just a small share of information I found on the history of Eastern Church. No doubt Montenegrin Church was considered autocephalous at the time. If somebody needs further proofs I can submit them, as well as a bibliography for future reference. It is unfortunate that the Montenegrin government and the People's Party (NS) are still not ready to cope with the truth


"Let us conclude this chapter by again considering the oligarchical character of the Eastern Church. Just as the Church in ancient times was regarded by the East as finding its sovereignity in the five Patriarchal thrones, so with certain modfications is this true to-day. Each Church is, in it internal matters, Independent; but any question which affects the whole Eastern Church is debated by the Patriarchs in cnoference, giving due weight to the views of the Russian Synod, and the other autocephalous Churches, and the final decision receives expression through the Patriarch of Constantinopole, as the primus inter pares of the Sacred College.

This perhaps, is a suitable place for stating the approximate numbers of Eastern Christians. The 100,000,000 may be distributed as follows: Eight millions are ruled over directly by the Patriarch of Constantinopole in the Turkish dominions of Europe and Asia Minor. Eighty millions are members of the Russian Church. Two millions are subjects of the King of Greece. About ten millions belong to the National Churches of Servia, Montenegro, Roumania and Austria-Hungaria. The three ancient Patriarchates of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem number their people by the thousands only.

rev. Cole, F. A. "Mother of all Churches." Skeffington & Son, London. 1908


Savic Rasovic

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