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Volunteer Service Awards

Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation-Ontario /Canada Ministere des Affaires civiques,de la Culture et des Loisirs-Ontario /(Ministarstvo drzavljanstva i Kulture-Ontario)

We are writing to confirm the nomination(s) for volunteer service awards to the members of the Montenegrin Cultural Society of Toronto-Crnogorsko Udruzenje "Crna Gora"iz Toronta,Canada.

The awarded members are: Ms.Tanya Aleksic, Mr.Ilija Stojanovic, Ms.Natasha Roganovic Ms.Danica Rasovic.

U ime Crnogorskog Udruzenja ,Uprave, cestitamo na priznanju koje se dodjeljuje od strane Ministarstva nasim clanovima.

Za Udruzenje Sekretar V.Rasovic

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Montenet 1997 

 All rights reserved. Last updated  March 1998