Komentari |
Aco Micic
I carefully read your article on the people of Montenegro.I completely agree ACO MICICMonteNet wrote: Dear Aco May we suggest that you look at the article "People of Yugoslavia" in addition to the article you mentioned. We are glad that you do not dispute freedom of choice in respect of anybody's nationality. We would, however, like to point out that history of Montenegro stretches back in time far before your predecessors emigrated to Serbia. In a brief answer to your question, let us just note that we feel that you are hurt for wrong reasons. In our opinion, being unique is a compliment rather than a matter of concern. In addition, not many Montenegrins, as far as we know, claim that their language is as much different as it should bear a different name. Namely, they object that their language should have the national name instead of the name of the other nation, even if the other nation is "brotherly" Serbia. Furthermore, majority of Montenegrins, in our opinion, do not regard Serbia as the distant country. Instead, they regard it as a very close country. We do not think that Montenegrins run from themselves. They rather do
not want to run into something which is not themselves.
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