Aco Micic
...so Who I am??
I carefully read your article on the people of Montenegro.I
completely agree
that everyone has the choice and freedom to be whatever they want to
be.As far
as I know a century ago most of the people from Montenegro called themselves
Serbs whether they were of the christian or muslim faith.That was at
the time
when Serbia had potential and strength.Because of the political
fall of
Serbia in the last few decades everyone is abandoning it like a sinking
Nevertheless my point is that I consider today's people of Montenegro
as my
own.Here's why:my ancestor's from my father's side moved to Serbia
Piva in the 1750's(Bajo's nephews) and my ancestor's from my mother's
came to Serbia in the 1770's (from the Vasojevici brotherhood).Ever
since that
time we have only mixed with similar decendants.Now,please tell me
why and how
are today's Montenegrins essentially different? It hurts me when they
say they
are unique,speak a diifferent language,and are depicted as people from
distant country.
It seems that they are running away from something-I think from
I love Montenegro and truly consider it as my homeland,even more than
would be the unhappiest person if it abandones me.
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