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Manny Vuksan* 

Montenegro on My Mind

I’d like to share with others this article that I sent last year to The European to express my disagreement with Mr. Millar’s writing on Montenegro.


I am writing in response to Peter Millar's article on Montenegro of July 2, 1997 (Millar's Europe). He stated, among other things, that Montenegro of today is what it was in 19th century - a bandit country. That simply is not true. It is an insult to the Montenegrin people and a false interpretation of their glorious history. They were fighters for freedom. Not a nation of brigands as he said. For that reason, in 1878 at the Congress of Berlin all other European countries recognized Montenegro as an independent nation.

Furthermore, suggesting that today the Montenegrins have no other alternative but become a part of Greater Serbia is an endorsement of policy of ethnic cleansing and call to Slobodan Milosevic for more land grubbing.

As an American with Montenegrin roots and as a member of free democratic world I am entitled to call upon Mr. Millar to reconsider his statement and offer an apology to the people of Montenegro.

Regards, Manny Vuksan* San Jose, California

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