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Zeljko D Radojevic 
Radojevic Family in USA
Zeljko D Radojevic, businessman from London would like to  get in touch with some distant relatives and cousins from USA.
I am looking for family and living relatives of Mr Nikola Radojevic, from small village call Brezna, Piva,Niksic District,

Mr Nikola Radojevic left his native Brezna around 1907 for USA. He returned to Montenegro as a voluntary and fought in the
First Balkan War, than returned back to USA around 1912.
He was married with Femija or Vemija Komar from village Banjani, Niksic, with whom he had son call Dusan and daughter
The last known address of Mr Dusan Radojevic was 2119 So.Ainsworth, Tacoma 3, Washington DC, USA.
I would be grateful to anybody who can provide me with some information.
Zeljko D Radojevic


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