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Robert E. Padian

I always wondered how Serbia, the sponsor of the trigger of World War I,
managed to end the war by gaining a lot of its neighbors' real estate.  I
figured that Montenegro deposed a tyrant or someone who had backed the
losers.  It was so small that its contribution to the war was not covered in
my history classes.  (The fact that Austria routed them is also glossed a

It's fascinating to see how the relatively unpleasant Serbian King managed
to be the only real territorial winner of the war.

One question: the outlines of the Vladika and princely rules do not include
dates beyond just the years, and especially for the only King, whose life
should have been well documented as he was born in a fairly settled and
administered country and died in the 20th Century in exile in France.

Your site does produce a date for the battle of Vicji Do, although it's hard
to piece together the significance of the victory in relation to the long
campaign.  Other sites (one having almost identical text) are not so good on
chronological points.

So could you refer me to some meatier biographies of Danilo and Nikola I.
And why is the only King given an ordinal?  And what happened to the family?
And ahs the Autocephalous Church had any restoration lately, as Serbia
reworks its federation arrangements?

And, as I am a stamp collector, does the Federal scheme allow Montenegro to
return to producing stamps, as the German Empire allowed its kings and dukes
to do for so long, and as the UK has allowed (on a limited 'regional issue'
basis) for Wales, Scotland, the Irish colony and the Channel Islands.

Thanks for the help on these questions.

Yours is an attractive and informative site, although trying to pronounce
the names in my head is no picnic.

Good work.

Robert E. Padian

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