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Jan Blaha
        NATIONAL DAY of Norway in Igalo- Montenegro.
                                     Dear friends.
  Also this year norwegian pasients will try to have their national day in Igalo,and as ever before
            we hope that will be done in a way as the friends there can help us with.
          Maybe also YOU in a way or another can contribute to that greate celebration,
                                by sending them a greating ?
                                         Jan Blaha
                                  of Bergen, Norway & Igalo, Montenegro


                        THE 17'th of may 2001.    

  Again one can congratulate the Institute, the managment and
    staff, and the Montenegrin people on a new 17'th of may in
   I do remember I was asked to make the talk on the day in the
     return of 1997, and it was the future hope of peace, a new
 democraty, and the question if Montengro would, and we could
                                  help on the way.
     Since then both good and bad things came, but I see now
  hopes even more than ever, for a new future, for cooperations
 and for prosperety, starting out from Igalo, the institute, and its
                                    many friends.
        To the people of Igalo, Herceg Novi, Montenegro and
        Jugoslavia,... do all for reaching a future where talks,
         understandings and cooperations is given a chance.
 Where the "delivery" of hight standard, friendship and hope for
  willingly returns by your guests, is given hight will, and good
                          work whith a smile, as ever.
     For the Norwegian guests; do meet your hosts with all the
 openess, respect and understanding you can muster. Remeber
   that in 10 years with a greate burden, it is a wonder they can
   deliver the very hight standard most of us have experienced.
       Being there thru the war years, in waiting, thru the two
   reopenings, and seeing the will, the optimism and the offer,
  one and each of our friends have made for, "you and me", and
             all those who fight to be back "home" in Igalo.
     It will depend on us all, how little we can do, to make our
  norwegian goverment, parliment and every deciding group or
            person take the RIGHT decisions on the future.
       Because we will come back, we will be more, we will be
    permanent. To see our pearl again shining as one of south
         greatest and most lovingly places to get a better life.
            On behalf of pasients, I thank the Institute & all.
               And on behalf of my friends at the Institute,
             I thank the returning pasients who bring hope.
                          Have the nicest 17'th of may,
                          as Igalo by history gives us.

                                     Jan Blaha
                                     Initiator & Coordinator
                                   Project Montenegro-Norway 

            3 x 3 Hurra............. 

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