Milutin Djurickovic
Dear Friends:
Call Albright and Clinton at these numbers that have been forwarded.
Tell them Stop US LED NATO BOMBING NOW!!!!!
Below is the phone number of the White House comment line, which
is open from
9 AM to 5 PM Eastern time. Let's all flood their phone lines
with calls
urging the President to stop the bombing of our friends and families
in Serbia
and Montenegro!
White House Comment Line --- (202) 456-1414
We can also surprise Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Ambassador
Holbrooke with our calls:
Albright --- (202) 647-5291
Holbrooke --- (202) 647-0684
Please forward this message to all of your friends! Kao
sto zna veliki broj citalaca koji su nam se javljali, komentari citalaca
su dobrodosli. ne prezentuje vecinu komentara koje su
licne prirode. Medjutim, ukoliko neko zeli da komentarise ili sugerise
teme koje bi mogle biti od interesa citaocima, ce ih okaciti
na ""
po redu u kojem stizu. Mozda je jos jednostavnije ako oni koji hoce da
posalju komentar dvostruko pritisnu misa na rijec 'comments',
a ukoliko hoce da vide komentare pritisnu misa na rijec 'published'
koje se nalaze na dno svake stranice Alternativno, komentari
se mogu poslati na e-mail adresu