Srdja Pavlovic
Re: Concordat with Vatican
The letter by Mr. Petrovic does not realy deserves an answer, to
with. Having that in mind, the following lines should not be treated
as a
response to his brief and clearly disturbed line of thought, but
rather as
an expression of my amasement with the state of mind that is able
to create
such thoughts. Dear God, what turns dreams into nonsense?
Even the strongest argument loses its charm and power when presented
in a
poorly conceptualised manner. When there is no argument at all,
let alone a
clear line of thought, one is puzzled by the reasons that lay behind
It is good that Mr. Petrovic is familiar with so many details from
the area
of general history of the ancient world. I am happy for him. However,
I am
a bit puzzled by the lack of clarity in his, othervise passionate
Passionate but out of place, I have to say. His imagination is,
at times,
running wild. As an imagination of an explorer, it creates its
own mental
landscapes that are far removed from reality. Reality is not his
I am particularly grateful for his distinction between Avars and
If it hasn't for his scientific depth and the sharp eye, I would
stayed shielded from this body of knowledge. It was enlightening
inspiring. It was also most enlightening that Mr. Petrovic finaly
centuries old debate about Khazars and their origin. He said it
But, the revelation that truly struck the cord was the one about
the racial
difference between Serbs and Croats. Well done, my boy! Vasilije
should be proud of you. He is of the same opinion and the two of
you should
get together and work on his theory about Croats as genocidal nation.
I will disregard the ignorance, blind hate and the lack of style
that is so
obvious in this letter and will only express my amazement in respect
to the
last paragraph of Mr. Petrovic's letter. He should decide who he
is in
terms of racial, ethnic, religious and national identity. It is
difficult and could have a devastating effect on one's mental
health, to
try and be two things at the time. This reminded me of the phenomenon
'Tobelia' (Ostanica) - a girl who decides to become a man and dresses
one, performing the duties that were traditionaly those of
At the end I am not absolutely certain who Mr. Petrovic is: a Serb
or a
Montenegrin; an Avar or a Kharaz; a sleeping beauty who mumbles
in her
dream, or an individual who needs the professional help.
Srdja Pavlovic Kao sto
zna veliki broj citalaca koji su nam se javljali, komentari citalaca su
dobrodosli. ne prezentuje vecinu komentara koje su licne
prirode. Medjutim, ukoliko neko zeli da komentarise ili sugerise teme koje
bi mogle biti od interesa citaocima, ce ih okaciti na ""
po redu u kojem stizu. Mozda je jos jednostavnije ako oni koji hoce da
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