L. van Beveren
Dear Serbs,
Please let me (an ordinary Dutch civilian) make some
comments to what is called "the Balkan crisis". It is clear
that all of you must feel outraged by the NATO-bombardments.
I have always had deep respect for your country and your
culture and I truly hope that this will soon come to an end.
I am not an historian and the background of the recent
conflicts on the Balkan is none of my business. History,
however, has proven many times that even a civilization of
high standards always contains elements that are a danger
under certain conditions. A society that is not able to cut
out its own rotten parts will find little respect. If you
are not able to see things that everybody else is seeing
very clearly, you will find nobody interested in who is
right and who is wrong and end up with a very few friends.
Let me end where I started: I have always had deep respect
for your country and your culture and I truly hope that this
will soon come to an end.
L. van Beveren
The Netherlands
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