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Erich Lahner
Kosovo (and Milosevic) 

Since "Adolf" S. Milosevic is your leader ( partly by cheated elections!) 
Yugoslavia has lost:

1. Slovenia
2. Croatia
3. Macedonia
4. 2/3 of Bosnia-Herzegovina
5. You are now loosing for certain most part of the Kosovo / Amselfeld, and 
you are aware of it! 
a- deportations of babies, children, grown-ups, even of the eldest, of whom 
many have fought on your side in world-war II
b- rapes, 
c- murders by execution of      elected political members, 
teachers, journalists, people who have housed OSZE-watchers, OSZE-translators of albanian origin
        d- stealing license-plates from cars of people beeing deported at 
        e- stealing papers of property from them in exchange for a 
train-ticket to the mazedonian border
        f- destroying archivs of towns and villages
        g- destroying villages in the Kosovo by shelling and burning them
        h- holding Kosovan men as hostages in konzentration-camps as human 
shields against NATO-weapons
        i- stealing money and other belongings of the deportees

Maybe we will not see soon all war-criminals of Serbia at the war-tribunal at 
Deen Haag, NL. 
But we will see and put on trial many of them, this is a promis!

How much more do you want to loose because of your governements stupid, 
barbarian and nationalist politics?

6. Monte Negro as next?
7. Maybe even Voyvodina?

Why don't some of your well-trained officers get rid of him and Karacic and a 
few other insane individuals by
simply stand them against a wall and shoot them like dogs?!!!

These few lines are sent to you by a Austrian, living in Germany. I remember 
my country's bad history on the balkan and therefore have no bad feelings 
against Serbia or the serb people. On the contrary, I am sorry for what
is happening to you all. Any war is terrible! Also for those people who have 
died in the past 8 years in the
former yugoslav states. Because of "Adolf" S. Milosevic, Karacic, and other 
serbian "hero's"!

I regret, that bombs have to fall ontu your country to stop your politicians 
from the most inhumane behaviour!
"Adolf" I call your leader because he too, like Hitler, fooled for several 
years the rest of the world by signing agreements in Dayton and Moscow! - 
even cheating and lying to Russia's officials, never having in mind to keep 
any one of them!

If you are not able to get rid of him, NATO will help you! 

While your sons are beeing called to Army-service, reservists beeing 
mobilized, Milosevic's son and his family are on holiday in Greece. Your 
President has houses on Korfu and the greek mainland. Where does he go after
this war is over and the serbian people look out for the people who are to 
blame for the ongoings of these last 8 years?

How many serbian soldiers have to die, how many factories to be bombed and 
destroyed, until your nation stands up against this devil of nationalist 
who's only aim is to stay in power and bully the bigger part of his own 

Erich Lahner

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