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Anthony Rizzo
Re: Kosovo
Thank you for setting me straight.  I did not know my opinions were "wrong".  
In fact, I did not know an opinion could be wrong.  Again, thank you for  
setting me straight. 

I was being kind in my previous e-mail.  I do suspect I know the reason for  
our involvement in your country's affairs.  I suspect our allies shudder at  
the thought of having to provide refuge for all those ethnic Albanians.  Our  
allies have worked very hard to build first class, first rate democracies and  
economies.  The level of affluence in Western Europe is equal to that  
experienced by North Americans and Japanese and nobody else.  I suspect the  
major EU members (Italy, France, UK and Germany) honor and respect the hard  
work that got them to the level of affluence they now enjoy, and are  
unwilling to let a third rate leader like Milosevic jeopordize their  
stability.  History has taught us that large refugee populations cause  
instability in the host country.  I suspect the fear of  ths instability is  
the driving force behind the extraordinary NATO unity.  The US is involved to  
provide a united NATO, and because an unstable Europe is not in our interest. 

I respect your opinions.  They are not "wrong", I just don't agree with them.  
 I'll repeat:  you and your concergoers are misguided in directing your ire  
towards NATO.  A thought for you: 

The US through off the British; 
Italy through off Mussolini; 
Germany rebuilt itself after Hitler; 
Russia through off the communist regime: 
Poland, Hungary, East Germany, the Czech Republic, Romania...the list goes on  
and on. 

These people fought their internal struggles to free themselves of misguided  
leadership.  You and your concertgoers would do well to read some history  

Thank you again. 

Anthony Rizzo 

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