Dear reader
The image "target" is placed on our site by us not by our Serbian friends.
It has
irritated a few readers who have interpreted it in the similar fashion
you did.
However, our intention was to emphasize that we are all targets of
'humanitarian action' including Montenegrins and Albanians and
perhaps not the
"Serbian regime". We believe that all who don't see it are making a
You are wrong in claiming that we are concert goers and that we are
lending support to Yugo regime in all its actions. Although we have
no right to
speak on behalf of concert goers, our understanding is that they do
necessarily support the regime either. Perhaps they rather defy and
oppose the
bombardment that brought about so much misery for so many.
As regards to hundreds of thousands of Albanian refuges, we do not write
this to
appease you, because we are not sure that your letter is well intentioned,
but let us
make this clear. Every decent human being must be appaulled by the
seens and the
plight of Albanian refuges we see every day in the media. That is a
catastrophy of enormous proportions. Unlike you to us, we would never
dare say
that Albanians deserve that, or that they "deserve to live in European
backwaters". On the
contrary; we wish them to live in prosperity, peace and justice, and
after these tragic events the time may come for it.
In addition, you have failed to notice that Montenegro has provided
some comfort
to many tens of thousands of these refuges. Furthermore, for centuries
Montenegrins and Albanians in Montenegro have been living together
in amicable and
harmonious coexistence. That is very much so even nowadays in these
turbulent and
tragic times. Yet, you did not write to us, nor indeed has any of your
compatriots, when a senior member of KLA (UCK) claimed that their
aim is to absorb
a part of Montenegro togheter with other territories (Kosovo and part
of Macedonia), into Great Albania. Instead,
you write to us now to tell us, since we do not support bombardment
of our
country, that "we deserve to live in European backwaters".
We thank your for the letter nonetheless, but are left puzzled and wondering.
Would you support bombardment of your country whichever one you consider
it to be?
Would you also be prepare to give shelter to Montenegrins in case,
God forbid,
they need it?