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Dragan Hajdukovic 
Komentar (zelenasi)
Hvala nepoznatom prijatelju koji je ovako dobro i kompletno predstavio Crnu Goru. Moja primjedba se odnosi na sledeci dio prezentacije: Unification of Montenegro and Serbia (1918) - Podgorica's Assembly Unification of Montenegro and Serbia is the one of the most interesting and most important issues of contemporary Montenegrin history. The entire contemporary history evolved in the shadows of this problem. Despite the existence of various political parties, the main political division in Montenegro between the two wars, end to the extent nowadays, is whites (bjelasi) and greens (zelenasi) (D.Vujovic, Crnogorski federalisti 1919-1929, CANU, 1981, Titograd, p.11). The manifestations associated with these two ideologies are, on one hand, manifestation of nationalism, localism,  and chauvinism, (zelenasi), and on the other hand the phenomenon of national  nihilism (bjelasi)(D.Vujovic, Ujedinjenje Crne Gore i Srbije, Istorijski institut NRCG, 1962, p. 8). Istakao sam deo teksta koji nepravedno i pogresno predstavlja zelenase kao soviniste. Crna Gora je dovoljno vrijedna i velika da se ne treba ni bojati ni stidjeti uvek postojecih negativnih strana, ali pripisivanje sovinizma zelenasima je daleko od istine. Voleo bih da se ovo ispravi.  

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Dragan Hajdukovic  

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