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Douglas Eden
Re: Open letter on the Yugoslav crisis

I appreciate your sincerity, but, having read your draft letter, I believe
you are profoundly wrong and are misusing this facility.

Were you instead to initiate an open discussion or debate among academic
colleagues or to take a poll of all on these and related mail bases, such
an initiative would be legitimate, no matter who polemically you stated
your fixed opinion.  As it stands, your approach is biased, tendentious and
an inappropriate use of a valuable academic facility.

My vote is against your letter and, instead of using our communal academic
facility to solicit partisan political support, I trust you will encourage
others who disagree with you to register their votes as well.

Douglas Eden
Principal Lecturer in International History and Politics
Head of the Centre for Study of International Affairs (Europe and America)
Middlesex University (White Hart Lane, London N17 8HR, England)
Postal address:
Flat 5, 20 Shepherds Hill, Highgate, London N6 5AH, England
Email address:  D.Eden@mdx.ac.uk
Phone/Fax:  +44 (0)181-340 1802

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