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Alex Petrovic 
Concordat with Vatican

Dear Sir: 

How could the Montenegrin Church claim to be Orthodox when a Concordat with
the Vatican was signed in 1884? Obviously, the Montenegrin Church is a
Catholic Church, albeit Uniate? Or, perhaps a psudo-Croatian Montnegrin
Church? Would you say, a hybridic church?

I would strongly suggest you read Njegosh, who says it best: "Mi smo srpsko

The Caucasian Avars who conquered the Balkans have given Serbia, Crna Gora,
and Albania the names each respectively bears today. In the Lesghian-Avar
language, the Balkan Crna Gora carries the same toponym of the land they
left behind in the Caucasus: also called Crna Gora, now part of Daghestan.
In the Lesghian-Avar language: Srbi means "people." Also, in the
Lesghian-Avar language: Albania is the land they called their homeland,
neighbouring Armenia, once known as Ancient Caucasian Albania, dating back
2,000 years ago, but still found in old maps.

You see, the ancestors of the Serbs, Montnegrins, and Albanians were Avar
tribes (not to be confussed with Mongol tribes near Siberia) from the
Caucasus, however the indigenous people such as the Thracians, Dacians,
Illyrians, and Slav retainers, were fussed with them, giving mixed signals
to us all today. Serbs think they are pure Slavs, which they are not. The
Albanians think they are pure Illyrians, which they are not. The
Montnegrins think they are Polabs who have been christianized by Rome,
which is not true. The Avars were Chrisitan Nestorians, who buried their
dead and had a state religion, dating circa 300 A.D. They were totally
assimilated by the Thracians and Slavs, and their vestiges live on in
Serbs, Montnegrins and Albanians (Malisori but not Shiptars, to be precise)
so does their spirit. The Council of Chalcedon changed many things for them
but they continued to exist as part of the Khazar Confederacy (Khazar is a
Turkic word for Georgians or Circassians) always keeping Byzantine ties
rather than Latin ones. They paid great heed to their dead and had 26
tribes, including clans, like the Montenegrins and northern Albanians of

It is no wonder that the Croats claim that they are of Persian antecedents
today. "Hrvati" means followers of the sun in Ossetian (Persian) dialect.
There is a Persian tribe by the name of Hrvati as well. Historically, Serbs
and Croats were not only enemies, but racially different. The Serbs belong
to the Balkano-Caucasian group (like the Georgians, Chechens, Circassians,
Mingrelians) and the Croats are Aryans, like Gypsy, English, German,
Italian and the rest. They both came to the Balkans to fight, booty and
re-settle Slavs, just like the Bulgarian-Utigurs, a Turkic people, another
race altogether. Our history is no different, therefore, than any other
people in the Balkans or in Europe.

 Indeed, I am proud of my Serbian origin, though Montenegrin! I am also
proud that I am not a Uniate nor -- God forbid -- a Roman Catholic! Njegos
also warned Montenegrins with a word like "Pogani," which could mean many
things. Njegos was a true Serb, a Caucasian Avar, no doubt! 


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