Alexandre Mihailovitch
Re: Matija Beckovic Kucima 1, 2,
Matija Beckovic is probably the best serbian poet alive. When M.
says with a kind of disgust that "Srpstvo" has been imoorted in
he must make humour. When he says that his "dioclean" ancestors
ignored the
serbian name, he ignores history. In fact, Stefan Vojisvlav, one
Dioclea's main princes,was refered as being a "Serb" by Byzantine
(see Cedrenos for instance). He did not call himself a Montenegrin
as this
name appeared far later. Diocleans are Serbs in the Porphyrogenet
as in the history of the princess Alexia Commene. The people from
seaside are named "Serbs" in the famous concile in Spalato in 924
Franjo Racki's studies). The archbishop of Bar was named later
srpski" and not "primas crnogorski". In the XIIIth century, Stefan
Prvovencani says that his father Nemanja was born in Ribnica, in
the lands
of his "grandparents" (dedovina)- The Raska family and the Zeta
family were
close parents. The Balsic brothers ruled the "serbian lands" in
the XIVth
century. The Crnojevic family considered themselves as the heirs
of the
Bishops Vasilije and Petar I Cetinjski speak in their history of
about the illyro-serb nation. Njegos wrote "Ogledalo Srpsko" and
Nikola spoke about the Montenegrins as the best Serbs. His hymn
Onamo 'namo
ends like that : " Kad Srbin vis ne bude rob" and not as " Kad
...". Take a look at Glas Crnogoraca from this time. It is full
of mentions
to the "sprsko pleme", "srpski narod". Marko Miljanov, the great
hero and
moral giant speaks about the "srpski mucenicki narod" when he visits
Have these mischievous, nasty "grandserbs" invented all these facts
In the past, Crnogorac meant "the Spartiat Serb", the proud men
who resisted
the Turks. Today, sometimes, it seems to mean "Srbozder". Tito
and his
professional manipulators-historians royally ignored the concrete
facts to
reshape the montenegrin nation, following the official instructions
of the
Komintern. No "Srbijanac" or every other serb intends to deny the
specificity of montenegrin state tradition and spirit. But, think
about it :
don't you think a Serb from Prijepolje and a Montenegrin from Bijelo
or even Cetinje look like each other much than a Serb from Subotica
Osijek and a Serb from Kragujevac or Vranje ?
Serbian unity is not a myth, or a manifestation of hegemony, middle-ages
feelings. It is reality, vanishing unfortunately in some parts
of Montenegro
because of the marxist, anti-religious, anti-spiritual, anti-serbian
propaganda of LSCG and their tacit fellows. How young people can
stand with
Kralj Nikola's flag and say "Napolje Srbi !", as Croats said "Napolje
!". Titism has been a real cancer for minds, that's why when the
Serbs hold
their flag, they are "ultranationalists", and when Montenegrins
do the same
they are "young liberals dreaming about European integration".
Is it a
balanced judgment ? When you independantists say that "Velikosrbi"
aggressive and primitive people, you should study Mgr Amfilohije's
He never pronounced a word against those who rejected their roots,
and his
links with each side are known. On the contrary, M. Perovic is
so unease
that he feels the need top be involved in demonstrations where
children are trained to throw rocks on priests. Is it a civilized
attitude ?
I think everyone should be let free to think the way he wants.
If a majority
of Montenegrins prefered to leave the other Serbs, it would be
their Choice.
But for those who do not oppose modernity and Europe to tradition
self-affirmation, it would be a pity.For me, in particular, crnogorstvo
opposed to srpstvo is one of the dramas both Serbs and Montenegrins
come through during this century.I am sure not to have convince
you, but I
hope we can stay good friends !
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