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Mariana Lajmanovich
        Sometimes it is better to walk alone than with a rotten partner!
Finally, I see the light at the end of the tunnel and a sense of balance
among your people.  I am deeply impressed with your leader's commitments to
democracy, as well as their concern towards their relationship with Serbia. 
Is political unity with Serbia really worth it?  Your country has stood with
dignity and respect.  I really hope that your country will not share in the
disgrace and violence that Serbia has inflicted towards the Balkans.  This
war has allowed Montenegro to stand alone without bloodshed. Depart from
Serbia.  There is really no Yugoslavia.  Must your country really believe is
some non-existent nation.  What is really left is a dysfunctional Serbia. 
Your country reflects a model nation for the Balkans as well as for Europe. 
  Thank you.

Mariana Lajmanovich

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Last updated  March 1998