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LDK Kosovo

In the past few weeks Milosevic said to a western diplomat: 

NATO cannot fight a long war against YU ( because of our democracies, - and 
19 nations in NATO ), 
but I ( Milosevic ) can!

If it comes to fight against a bastard, - WE CAN FIGHT A LONG WAR!

If  it comes to fight a stubborn nation like you Serbs, 

-       who cry out, when a few of your fellows die, 
-       but don't give a damn about Slovenians, Croatians, Bosnians and 
- who still claim the four above have no right to go their own way 
- who believe they treated their co-citizens there well the past 10 years
- who still dream of a Greater-Serbia
- who think they can bully 90% of Kosovas population


Who would like to live in the same state with people like you!!!? NOBODY!

The Germans in 1944/45 were as stupid as the Serbs are now. They wanted to 
fight to the end ( ENDSIEG ) with theyr great leader, and then he shot his 
wife and himself in his bunker, the poor bastard.

You Serbs can go on dancing on your bridges, as long as you like. We will 
destroy all of them. 
If the Kosovars don't have food and water, why should you have water in 
Belgrad, Novi Sad, Nis?
Why should you have heating?
Why should you sleep in your beds? Go to your bunkers for sleep!!!
You didn't have much work before this war, because of your great leader. Now 
you have less.

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