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Branislav Andjelic
Barbarians are at our gates. They are using their largest and smartest bombs to destroy our schools and hospitals, our museums and ancient monasteries, our heating plants and food factories, our bridges and dams. They shout for us to yield and let them in: "We are the United States. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated." At the end of the twentieth century we live in a world where one country controls all the weapons, all the money and all the media. It can maim and kill and starve populations at will, and then, through the complacent media, deny fault. It can create kangaroo courts that selectively prosecute those who oppose it, courts that issue secret indictments and send armed troops into sovereign countries to kidnap and murder the accused. It can select with impunity which international laws and agreements are politically expedient to adopt or honor, or which to ignore. It decides which terrorist organization should be bombed and which given money and arms; which mass expulsion of populations to aid and which to label genocide; which economies to support through loans and trade, and which to destroy through sanctions and currency speculations. It's goal is to assimilate all the world's cultures, all the world
Yugoslavia is the moral conscience of mankind. This small country,
Branislav Andjelic Montenet.org: Kao sto zna veliki broj citalaca koji su nam se javljali, komentari citalaca su dobrodosli. Montenet.org ne prezentuje vecinu komentara koje su licne prirode. Medjutim, ukoliko neko zeli da komentarise ili sugerise teme koje bi mogle biti od interesa citaocima, Monenet.org ce ih okaciti na "http://www.montenet.org/home/letters.htm" po redu u kojem stizu. Mozda je jos jednostavnije ako oni koji hoce da posalju komentar dvostruko pritisnu misa na rijec 'comments', a ukoliko hoce da vide komentare pritisnu misa na rijec 'published' koje se nalaze na dno svake stranice Montenet.org. Alternativno, komentari se mogu poslati na e-mail adresu webmaster@montenet.org.
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Montenet 1997 |
Last updated March 1998 |