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Luka Tomas
YUGOSLAV TROOPS OCCUPY MONTENEGRO REBEL HEARTLAND - CETINJE PODGORICA, Montenegro, May 17 (Reuters) - Hundreds of Yugoslav soldiers
Officials said there had been arguments between the troops, who appeared
``There are high tensions there. There have been some sparks. I'm afraid
Cetinje, a small, elegant town in the mountains, is the spiritual home
Military police were chased from the area last month after they tried
Montenegro is Serbia's junior partner, but relations between the two
The Kosovo crisis has accentuated the differences, fuelling calls in
``(The army) wants to demonstrate that by controlling Cetinje they control
Montenegro's government has decided not to send police reinforcements
to the
``The game is who triggers the conflict first,'' Burzan said.``Whoever
Residents of Cetinje, which is about half an hour's drive south of
One man said the military had asked to billet 300 men on the town but
The Cetinje deployment came hard on the heels of renewed army activity
Soldiers also seized just over one hundred ethnic Albanian refugees,
Burzan, who has often accused Belgrade of wanting to launch a military
``They have accelerated their moves. They know that time to take over
Political sources estimate the army has some 26,000 men stationed in
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Montenet 1997 |
Last updated March 1998 |